
At City Church we help kids experience God in a way they’ll never forget. Our mission is to train every child to be more like Christ. We teach children that God loves them and has a plan for their lives.

We believe the overall spiritual development of a child happens at home, yet is supported, strengthened, and reinforced by the church the family attends. We’re here to assist parents in achieving spiritual growth in the lives of their children.



At City Church, children are not only cared for, but they are also carefully watched in a secure nursery staffed by trained volunteers.


City Church Kids

City Church assists the parents in training their children to know and serve Jesus Christ. We accomplish this through a three-pronged approach:

  • Sunday morning children’s church focuses on basic training for developing the spiritual life of the child.

  • Wednesday evening City kIds focus on expanding the child’s knowledge of the Bible and applying God’s word to daily living.

  • Special events such as July 4th parade float, VBS, Fun in the Son Day, Light the Night, and other special activities/events offer each child the opportunity to invite friends to experience the love of Jesus in a fun way. Special events are designed to promote fellowship and evangelism.